Monday, November 22, 2010


I have been sitting here for about a week and a half trying to complete a sentence on why I decided to spend the next phase of my life creating art around the word Locksmith. The act of Locking/unlocking something seems to me to be one of the more sacred things man has accomplished. We have spent our lives trying to lock everything we find important; transportation, homes, money, our hearts etc., all while trying unlock the powers and mysteries that control our lives today. Fire, the wheel, agriculture, light, information and the atom are things that come mind when I think of the things Man have unlocked (only to lock again under chemical codes, patents and secret formulas). Locksmith is the title I've given my next Series. My aim is to try to create some things that express the magnitude of locking and unlocking. I'm starting by making a mix CD for my friend Patch in New orleans the holidays. The cover for that mix represents the unlocking of mass destruction.

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