Fun With Matches is a title I came up with when thinking of how the creation of fire relates to my recent illustrations. In order to start a fire you need three legs: Oxygen, Heat and Fuel. Without one of the three components, a fire cannot be created. Like fire, our intent to create what's around us (i.e. all things man-made), I find there needs to be three components: kinetic energy, some sort of meaningful intent, and an object in which the intent is acted upon.
The two concepts equate as follows:
Heat = intention or idea ( I like to think of "heat" in terms of a spark)
Oxygen = kinetic energy ( or the physical means to act on an intention)
Fuel = object
When the three come together something is made. I 've been working on images of what happens when the three components cancel each other out. The act is turned upon itself, like a self consuming fire.
To sum up, Fun With Matches is a collection of images of people destroying themselves when there is nothing to create. For more information on Combustion click